Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Cool Eh!?

I'd like to live there!
A tree house

Cold but cosy!

The Last Day

What if today was the last day. The end of everything. I know that we've been asked before,
"If this was you're last day in Olam hazei' what would you do."
Well have you ever taken the question seriously? When I'm doing something i shouldn't do i stop myself saying,
"you know Sarah Rut, though no one can see you HaShem can? What if you you're being judged NOW?"
I think that we've been posed with that question so many times that it's lost its affect on our perception of the world and our influence in it. Regardless, I'd like to ask the question again...
We are all supposed to yearn for Mashiach. For the end of this galus and the rebuilding of mashicah? What are you waiting for? The reuniting of our people? Meeting Sara imeinu? Or one of the Avout? Pick something and stick with it. Get yourself psyched everyday with excitement! TODAY WILL BE THE DAY I MEET RACHEL IMEINU!!
I think that we each have a LOT of potential. It would be a shame to waist time perfecting it by getting distracted with other lesser things. You're awesome and I value for YOU not for the way's you're like other people but just the opposite. I value you for the distinct differences in your character that make you unique. Take a hold of those differences and polish them. Do what you already know how to and you'll change the world and those around you MORE then you'll ever realize!

Tuesday, January 30, 2007

It's been a MONTH!!

Hello, everyone. I feel like I'm talking to myself, well maybe I am?
I know that SOME ppl like it when i post stuff but i haven't had any inspirational thoughts in a while, bad sign eh!
So here goes, for you Lea and S.E.P.
I work in a Cafe after school. I have recently realized, from the help of my boss, that costumers are ALWAYS right no matter how annoying, snotty, or what ever word you want to use, they can be. I am there to GIVE them what ever food of beverage they want.
This discovery has awoken me to the big problem of CHUTZPAH. I never thought of myself as one to be chutzbadic, since everyone has their slip up's once in a while.
I was reading Rabbi Teworsky ( I'm sorry i really don't know how to spell his name,) book "The enemy within". He mentions there that chutzpah has become increasingly popular in our society, along with other things. When i read this a thought to myself, it's not just a slip up once in while with your mouth, were you just get so fed up with customers and they down play on your service. The problem is your thought process. Are you thinking, "this person is so frustrating to deal with."and just not saying anything out loud? Cause if that's the case then there's still a problem.
We are CONSTANTLY reminded to judge our 'fellow's 'favorably. This refers to any joe shmoe off the street. (my apologies to anyone named Joe Shmoe.) It struck me how wrong I've been to even THINK about another in that way, even if i DON"T express it.
I just thought I'd share the reminder. Many times we might think, ït''s ok that i think this way as long as i don't act on it..."but that to, my friend, is wrong.
Have a GREAT day and be well!