Monday, September 25, 2006


today we're all obstaning from food. Why? Is it to retain the, some what, gloreous figure we once held before Rosh Hashana?
I don't think so.
As for me, i think that it's a good opertunity to actualize all the 'promises' we made over the past month. Espeacially over the past two days, we've been telling G-d that we're sorry, i hope, and that we are going to try our BEST to NOT repeat our ofenses. An then we're thrown into a fast day. We are given the opertunity to stop and think about what we've commited ourselves to.
Today are we going to try to daven with a wee bit more kavana? Are we going to be a lil' nicer to our parent(s) and sibling(s)? You don't have to tell me the answers to these questions, just think them to yourselves.
For me this fast as been an extra reminder that i'm different then the people around me. Right now i'm sitting in college, not wanting to be here, and hungrey. But the fast day is giving me a constant awarness that i have higher priorities that are above my school work. They are what i 'owe' to G-d and i must deliver them. I can't be late. I have one week to perfect myself or at least atempt to make that my goal for the up coming year.
This monday is going to repreasent my monday's for the reast of the year.... How am i gonna use it? How are YOU gonna use it as well?
Chag Samayach.

Monday, September 04, 2006

(Inspiration from a friend, one word, sapling, thank you:)
Day in, day out, we struggle with out 'scheduels' and atempt to remain calm and sane as the day wares on.... We see the challenges ahead of us and try our best to confront the challenge with strength and vigure. We fail to realize that all along, some one is watching. And no i'm not referring to the 'one above ( and inside for that matter) who is always there, though this is true, i'm hinting to all passer-byers, i have no idea how to spell that word.
All the positive things we do in our day are seen by random ppl whom HaShem want's to witness our deeds. Through these 'encounters' we inspire and spread kadosha, as ppl reflect on their own lives when watching how we run ours.
And thus sprout saplings along our journey through life and this long road where we walk. If WE look back many times we don't see the trail of enfluence we've left behind, there are MANY 'baby trees' growing along the way.
I hope this makes sense to you because it's really late and i'm not trying to hard to translate this from my thoughts to words....
regardless, my point is that a;) above and b') we need to stop focusing on what other ppl are doing wrong. it's hard enough to fix ourselves we can't possibly have enough energy to do the world as well. So as long as we're trying ourbest to be the best ppl we can and serve G-d in the best way ppl will see that and feel our confedence and strength in what we believ in and know and do. and that way we will change the world, one encounter at a time. the chafetz chaim tried to change the world, but it was too hard then he tried to change his communtiy and failed as well, next his family but that too..... finally her 'resorted' to change himself and now he's changed the world!!!
Please translate my wrods properly and hear what i'm trying to say- do'nt get discouraged that everyone's watching and all is lost, my point is to stop judging other unfavoribly and just concentrate on being the best person you can be....
that's it for now- thanks for listening, this is for you Elese- i have no clue how to spell your name. and thanks Devo

Again, the following was a comment a very good friend of mine wrote- i thought is was 'worthy' enough to be posted for all to see

"Also, just a short vort I heard from R' Feigenbaum, for Rosh Hashanna. Everyone now, in the time before Rosh Hashanna takes on new things. On the contrary, instead of taking on something new which we may or may not hold to, take something you've been doing since you were two years old and be mechazek THEM. We can keep on taking on new things till we're blue in the face, but there's so much to improve that we've been doing all our lives. Take a simple thing like saying modeh ani and AS SOON as you open your eyes say it. There is always room for improvement on things that we just do by rote. THis vort comes around every year, but it's always good to have that reminder. Ksimah v'chasima tova!