Friday, March 28, 2008

Snow! ?

Ok, don't et me wrong, I like every season, in its time. But snow in the middle of March, sorry, late March, is not what I enjoy. I feel like my spring and fall have been ripped away! :-( And they're my favorite seasons....

Well, it is snowing here, yes that's right, up north in Vancouver. We'll see what the weekend brings.
Kol Tov
Shabbat Shalom.

P.S: It's my bat mitzvah parsha this week, parshat shemini. This parsha reveals HKB"H wisdom and infinite knowledge, duh He created the world. There is a list of all of the kosher animals, and animals that we MIGHT think are kosher, but aren't. B"H, He's guiding us and helping us!
Ok, sorry that I'm not elaborating, I'm in a rush. Let me know if I'm not making any sense.

Monday, March 24, 2008

Do you use a Mr. Potato Head?

I heard a GREAT shiur on "Finding and Keeping Your Bashert"
I recommend it to everyone.
Rabbi Shiefer has a great sense of humour and is very articulate. I find him clear and very easy to chap. I hope you enjoy this shiur.

Thursday, March 20, 2008

There are no coincidences.

We learn from Magilat Ester that everything is ordained by HKB"H, even if we can't see or appreciate it. Furthermore, everything is for the ultimate good.
May we be yotzei all of the mitzvot of purim and continue to grow closer to HKB"H, knowing that He ALWAYS has our best interest in mind.
Purim Samayach!

~ Sarah Rutti

P.S, it's raining outside! I love the sound of the raindrops hitting the floor and puddles. B"H!

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Taanit Ester

Firstly, I want to recommend's purim section, and one of their short clips called Behind the Mask, by Rabbi Zeldman

Secondly, I'd like to summarize an article about taanit ester. In this article, Rabbi Simmons mentions that taanit ester is a pre-war fast. Ester and banei Yisroel fasted to prepare themselves to meet with Achashverosh and to prepare themselves to fight against Hamman's decree.

What does fasting accomplish? On the day before a war, wouldn't you prepare your artillery and do other things to insure that you'd be strong for the fight? Why would you tell your soldiers to fast?

The reason, brings down Rabbi Simmons, is to remind us that we aren't strong and have no chance of winning without HaShem's help. We fast and remind ourselves of our physical restrictions and dependence on HKB'H.

The constant gnawing of hunger should act as a reminder to ourselves that HaShem runs the world and gives us strength.

May we be zochei to take this reminder and use our kaoch hatefillah to unite Am Yisroel and be zochei geulah.

Kol Tov

Sunday, March 16, 2008

It's coming!

I want to wish us all a chag samayach,
in case I forget later.
B"H, we should be yotei all of the mitzvout of purim.
B"H, we should have a meaningful fast on Thursday.

Kol Tov

Peeka -a-boo


We are being watched.
But don't be frightened.
HaShem is taking care of us.

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Have a great week.

Next thurday night is purim! B"H, we'll be matzliach in being yotzei all of the mitzvot. I just thought I"d remind everyone about the upcoming chag. I know it's hard to stop when tests and hw are calling, but we can do it! B"H, this year I have no school on purim, it's a stat. holiday.

Ok, be well.

Sunday, March 09, 2008

Living and Breathing

sometime we need to brave the waters for ourselves,
without knowing where the sharks live.

no mater where we are or what happens,
HaShem will always be there,
watching and holding us.

Thursday, March 06, 2008

Rosh Chodesh Adar Bet

Rosh Chodesh Adar! It's here. Besides for it being me Hebrew birthday on the 19th (:-D) it's going to be purim in about 15 days!

So excited, mishe mishe mishe mishe, .....

I wanted to share a thought, and a great point, that I deduced from and article written by an SFU student, Kristen McCathy.

She was in the downtown east side, otherwise known as 'crack town' and gave a loonie (dollar) to a homeless man on the street. She comments, on reflection, that the money was given for her not for the poor man.

How did she reach this conclusion? She asked herself, how far will that money go? What can a dollar buy? NOTHING> not even a bottle of water. (Well, maybe half of a big mac.)

If she was giving money to help the man, then she would have at least given him a $5, something that can buy a meal down there.

But she was giving to make HERSELF feel better, and so she admits.

What can we learn from this?

I think it's pretty clear.

Especially now, when we're getting our mishloach manot ready, we need to remember to spend more $$ on matanot l'evyonim.

We need to open our hands for others, not for ourselves. To help them, not just to make ourselves feel 'good.'

We should be matzliach in using these mitzvout of the month to inspire growth in achdut (unity) amongst klal Yisroel. Thus, bring gaula (redemption) and turning yom kiPURIM into PURIM.

Shabbat Shalom,
Kol Tov.