Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Optical Illusions

I decided to internalize something that i've been learning in psyc. Below i've explains some of the reasons you preciev them the way you do. The main point of my expination is to remind us that we NEVER know the full story of any situation, even ones that envolve us. Just like we've learned recignition cues to understand what certain objects are we've created 'made up' situations where if we SEE someone doing something we automatically know that it's becuase of A.) B.) and C.) But we really have no IDEA why they're doing what they're doing.
So, since pessach is coming up in about three weeks i thought i'd remind us that we never know the full details of a situation and that we should pay more attention to OURSELVES and less to others. It's a zeman teffila and teshuvah! Remove the chametz that's clogging your pores.

Another thing we learn is called 'figure gournd.' When looking at something when we either expect something or need to used bottom up identification, we decide that one thing is 'forward' while the other is 'background.' This way we're able to see more then one thing, though only one at a time. If you look at the first picture you can either decide the the black is background, in which you see a face, or that the white is background, where you see a man smoking. But you can't see them both at the same time.


Sarah Rutti said...

you'r welcome. I hope that all is well with you!

SEP said...

Wow, this is interesting. But I was wondering, I feel like I can look at the entire picture, with the face and saxophone player, and distinguish one from another while still looking at both. Some of the other pictures are more difficult though, like the beer picture. Have a good one, and thanks for sharing.

Mucho interestante!

Sarah Rutti said...

you're not really looking at them at the same time. You may be flipping back and forth very quickly but that's it. Or even that you know it's there. anyhoo- your welcome
oh Lea- thanks for the regards. I"m very excited to see what the ppl at my work do for me!

SEP said...

I'll take your word on it. The mind is really a cool organ. It works so quickly that I can't perceive that I'm viewing one item and then another. Just think about what quantum computers will be capable of.

You know what ethicists will say? They'll debate whether or not a quantum computer is AI, or conscious because it will have such an incredible computing capacity. But they're missing out on the whole point of humanity...

Um... Why am I rambling on your blog? How did I get here?

*Wonders off in a confused daze*

Good night!

Sarah Rutti said...

well i totally get what you're saying, and it will be a very interesting, and dissappointing thing to witness, if it happens