Tuesday, February 20, 2007

When all looks dark and dreary.
Hello to all. I was just going through the pictures that i have save on my memory stick, or USB port, whatever name you want to align with it, and i came across these pictures.
As of now i don't know what drew me to these in the first place, or even why i saved them.
But I'd like to assign some commentary to the pictures you see below:
A. There is a sail boat stuck in the sand. This boat is stuck to the ground and half buried by the sand around it. Even if it tried to leave it could not because there is no tide near it and have of it's base is already engulfed.
Secondly, the ship is not an ordinary one. There is a castle standing erect on it's port.
The symbolism behind these observations are subject to the observer. I"ll leave that job up to you. I hope you enjoyed. I hope you like these pictures . Have a great day and please let me know what you're interpretations of these pictures are and if you see anymore details.


Sarah Rutti said...

ummmmm.....???? I'm touched but i'm not sure what you're referring to?