Friday, February 02, 2007


I want to wish a HEARTY mazal tov to all the girls i know who have gotten engaged in the last 6 months.
More importantly,
i want to give chizuk to those girls my age, only 20(ish,) who are feeling 'left behind'
or pressure to join the crowd of kalla's.
I just thought I'd share some of my techniques to push back the unwanted pressure imagined in my head.
A.) Evaluate my situation and make sure that there is a reason for the things I'm doing. Ei: Why I'm in school = to get a degree to support my husband in kollel for the first few years , b'h. or
B.) Am i really that old? NO for crying out loud I'm spring chicken!
C.) Am i doing my histadlus? have i been in touch with Rebanim who i respect? Have they confirmed that what i'm doing RIGHT now is the best i can do for the situation that i've been put in?
D.) DO i really want the stress of shidduchim RIGHT now on top of my CRAZZY schedual?
E.) IF that does help i call a friend who's NOT engaged and talk to her.
I Hope that this has helped. It's just that i got an email from a friend about this issue and have had to talk to myself about it a few times, B"H i know A LOT of kallas, and thought that maybe there are others out there with similar, imaginary, stress factors on their shoulders!
Have a GREAT shabbat- Tu B'shvat and Shabbat shira!


Anonymous said...

Hear, hear!*

*After I wrote this I went and looked it up to make sure I'm spelling it right, and look what I found!
- The correct term is, "hear, hear!" It is an abbreviation for "hear, all ye good people, hear what this brilliant and eloquent speaker has to say!"

Sarah Rutti said...

Most improtant, when you figure out what's best for you NOW check it with das torah that you respect, mack sure you're not off your rocker!

Sarah Rutti said...

well well well i havn't heard from you in FORREVER!!! I"m so glad you've dicided to join along! I hope you're doing well with school and all!

memyselfandi said...

totally true- its hard to accept it, espec when e/o around you is talking abt their dates and their chasanim....

Sarah Rutti said...

well i definaltely appreciate you guys spending the time to read these posts, cause they're good for me to get out of my system. I' glad you guess are benifiting as well!