Tuesday, July 03, 2007

Go You Go

I want to wish everyone an easy fast. For most of you it's almost over though.
I wanted to take this opertunity to remind us that everything that happens to in world is a message to all of us. We should take this time look within ourselves and be honest. We need to see if there's anything that we can change about ourselves that will improve us and klall yisroel. I want to wish each and everyone of us the energy and motivation to continue to work on ourselves and be the best we can be


Earlyriser said...

Amen....hey has it been a year since this thing came up?

dashop said...

amein...thank you.

Sarah Rutti said...

you are both very welcome. And thank you both as well. I really appreciate all the work you put into shir hashirim and perkei avos, thank you Leah. And thank you for the reminder that you posted on pninim06 devorah

Earlyriser said...

No problem!!

memyselfandi said...

thanks sara rutti! luv ya

SEP said...

Amen! Thanks Sarah Rutti. Unfortunately, I was in transit and missed this message, but at least I got it now! Baruch Hashem. Good luck with the remainder of the three weeks everyone!