Sunday, November 18, 2007

I"m been tagged for 7 random tings about me...

Okay I've been tagged by Jelaina to post 7 random facts about myself.

The Rules:
1. Link to your tagger and post these rules.
2. Share 7 facts about yourself: some random, some weird.
3. Tag 7 people at the end of your post and list their names and link to them.
4. Let them know they've been tagged by leaving a comment at their blog.

Well, since I really don't know who my readers are, I"m going to make this a little random and impersonal. Those of you who know me well know this stuff already and much more. So here goes:

  1. I'm passionate about anything I believe in. This includes facts about how the world works and so on. However, I've learned to keep my peace during classes that bring up controversial subjects. That doesn't mean, though, that I don't feel strongly about my believes, I'm just more careful about when I let then known.
  2. I love how detailed our world is. This includes the veins in our bodies to the veins on a leaf. I love the way the seasons are run and the way nature takes it's place. I find being encompassed in nature very peaceful and calming.
  3. I love reading, literature is my escape. When the day is too stressful I really enjoy picking up a fiction novel and reading. However, I can't stand romance and baseless plots. I need books that engage my intellect. Such as mysteries and some fantasies. The hard part is finding a good novel that isn't focused around relations (sex.)
  4. I'm close to a perfectionist and control freak. However, as mentioned above, I've some a long way in working on those characteristics. I usually use them to get homework done and enjoy my work. When I was 7 I used to ask my mother for the detailed directions about how we were going to get somewhere. These details had to includes all streets and turn we were going to make. Thank G-D I don't do that anymore. But I had to work really hard to stop :-S
  5. I believe that everyone one has a unique verity of abilities special prepared for them. That no one has ever or will have that unique blend ever again. It is for that reason that I strongly think that everyone has the ability to make a difference in his or her life. And the difference doesn't have to be acknowledged world wide for it to be a momentous difference. The fact that I can change one person's life, let a lone my own, is an amazing concept. If I utilize me abilities I can make a difference to every person I meet.
  6. I love to clean up and organize things, it has to do with being a perfectionist. I like the feeling of accomplishing something, and putting everything away in its place. I love the sight of clear counters and sparling floors.
  7. I spend time working on characteristics. As mentioned above, I really try hard to make a difference with my life. I feel that if I'm not willing to change for the better, then I'll never end up being the best me I can be. I have a unique opportunity, to live my life with my situations and characteristics. We all have this individual opportunity.

I don't know if I can dig up 7 people:
MAK, SEP, Earlyriser, Calvin and Hobbes,

Ok, those are the only ones I could dig up....


SEP said...

Oh, I just found this... (The rules state you are supposed to make a post on my blog.) So, I'll get to it when I can. ;d TTYL!