Sunday, June 03, 2007

It's Raining...

I love the rain.

Tonight i was walking home from my chavursa's house, after learning and davening a nice mincha at her house, and it started a summer sprinkle.

This sprinkle made me want to sing. So i started to hum, quietly to myself, as i walked home.
Unfortunitely my house is only a ten minute walk from my chavrusa's, so the rain was short lived.
Now, as i sit here about to go to bed, i can still her the pitter patter of the rain on the side walk by my window. And i'm thinking about how wonderful rain is, and how much of a gift it is from HaShem. Instead of flooding the world with water HaShem all at the same time, He gives us little showers.
So too, instead of punishing us all at once He gives us little zaps. anyhoo. i'm falling asleep...


Earlyriser said...

It's raining here too! I love it especially at night under the warm covers, soft music is playing and reading a great book!

Sarah Rutti said...

so you lea, i can see you doing that! i like to walk in it. i walked on the streets cause the trees were getting inthe way onthe sidewalk, vancouver has a lot of trees

Earlyriser said...

Thanks...I guess you know me pretty well. In high school when anyone needed to find me, I would be curled up with a good book! I love going mud sliding in the rain, (only in camp)

SEP said...

Wow, I don't think I could bring myself to go mud sliding. Eww... I have certain cleanliness barriers that I'm simply not willing to cross. But hey, if you enjoy it, go for it!

Earlyriser said...

That goes if you go to Camp Sternberg for 9 years!! Not to mention sticking me in the garbage can to push it down!