Wednesday, February 27, 2008

"Those thoughts"

I was reading an article in the Jan 2nd, 190th issue of Mishpacha magazine. It's written by Toby Bulman Katz. She writes about the Schwab's experience with their daughter, Ruchama Aliza Sarah Chana bat Ester Liba, who is in a comma.

This article struck my interest particularly because I know the family. They used to live in Cincinnati. I remember when Ester was pregnant with Ruchama Aliza Sarah Chana and her twin brother.

The article quotes Rabbi Naoch Orlowek. He made a personal call to the Moshe Schwab and told him, "Don't think 'those thoughts.' " The thoughts of could've, would've, should've. He explained that they show a lack of emuna in HaShem.

Everything is in His hands. Things happen because He wants them to.

So, when we look back over the days, weeks, months, and years of our lives, while acknowledging the mistakes and growing from them, we shouldn't have 'those thoughts.' Yes we need to move forward and perfect our actions as servants of HaShem. We can't change the past by dwelling on it and become depressed over it.

B'ezrat HaShem we will see a refuah shaleam in Ruchama Alia Sarah Chana's continued recovery. The Schwabs have sailed through many storms and have come out as an inspiration for all of us.

I"H, we will take these lessons and use them to retain a higher level of achdut among Kallal Yisroel, a higher level of emunat HaShem and chachamim, and a higher level of tefilla (our ultimate power).

Kol Tov


SEP said...

Amen. I feel as though I could hear those words issuing from Rabbi Orlowek's lips even now. "Don't think those thoughts," indeed. I also remember you telling me this, and I thank you, because this mussar comes at an opportune moment where I should not be thinking those thoughts. May we all be zoche to learn from our mistakes and continually move forward, bimhera b'yameinu, AMEN!

Sarah Rutti said...
