Friday, August 04, 2006

The Method to My Madness

There is a point to the pictures you see posted below. I've chosen them for a PURPOSE. ( Yes I DID think it through.)
In a majority of the pictures posted, if not all, there is a 'deeper' side. I different way of viewing and perceiving what is being depicted. What the painter is really trying to protray.
So too we find with the Master Painter of this world we dwell in. The one who has painted us all uniquely different in looks and abilities. He has set up the world in such a way that you will only see Him if you search for Him. Such as in the system of 'nature.' HE is willing and cammanding the sun to rise and moon fall. The grass to grow and the wind to blow. THe very system of gravity and sound waves shows that it could not be by chance that such things came to be! It must be put into this world by a being who knew what they were doing. An infinite being ( but that's for another time.)

If you refuse to admit His existence in this world then you suffer the consequences of your own actions. Falling pray to the 'powers' which you give power to. For when all is said and done they do not really control ANYTHING and, therefore, you might be left unanswered, unsaved.
But I'm sure you wouldn't do that to your self right !
And so we must try to keep our focus on what G-d wants from us. In what way does HE want us to act and run our lives? We may see the situation in a different light if we put into prospective what HE wants and what our ultimate purpose is in this world.
So next time a struggle arises in your life ask yourself- what is G-d trying to tell me? How should I react to this? Get angry or stay calm and focuses? Be bias or try to open my mind and heart to others? What should my goals be? Should i protect my ego or admit to my mistakes and grow and become a better person through them. After learning not to do them again?

(but then again these are just a few of my 'thoughts.' Comments are welcome! Please speak and i will respond)


dashop said...

So there really is a method to it? and here I was thinking all those lines you've got WERE just madness; well now you've given me higher standards to expect. Just messing with you darling, as you well know. Yesher koach, and keep it up. There really are alot of great lines up there for us all to learn from. Hear that everybody? We should learn from them, not just read them and allow them to escape us :-)

Sarah Rutti said...

you go girl! thanks for the boost of motivation- really it's all just to help my keep my head on strait. it's hard to think that way when you're not in israel and things aren't so clear out there.
Everyone else in the outside world has such a messed up veiw of things- it's hard for my to not let it sink in and form as truth. so i write this stuff to share with all you out there so please take it to heart and act on it! thanks!