A lot of stuff is happening in this world that is pretty scary. Israel is in constant attack and going through war. Many people know friends or loved one very sick. New diseases seem to pop up daily.
So how should we react? Do we actively take a stand? Go fight in the war, become a doctor? What can we do to help all of the Jewish people as a whole?
As mentioned below, I think that we need to take everything that is going on around us as a personal wake up call being sent to YOU from the Creator Above! He's trying to reach out to us and we NEED to react if we want to see change in the current situation!
What mitzvah can you do extra? Cry out to our Father and ask Him- beg Him to listen and redeem us. Take us out of this exile and live to see all of benei Yisrael returned to Eretz Israel! That one extra mitzvah can save us! Give us the merit we need to finally experience the dawn of this nightmare. We brought it on ourselves! We can bring us out if only we rectify the wrong we've committed. Be kind to one another... Hold your tongue rather then say a hurtful word to or about a friend...
There are many different ways in which we can each individually make a difference and impact the world. There's a job for each of us. We all have a unique role to play and if we don't no one will. We HAVE to listen to the warnings HaShem is sending us and work on ourselves to become better Jews. We're doing such a great job already-why stop now. We've been worthy enough to feel the 'pangs of mashiach!' Let's help complete the process and continue to do the best we can, better. And make our Father proud! He WANTS to take us out. It's all dependent on US. YOU and me.
Thanks for listening to my 'speech.' I'm just reciting it to myself. Trying very hard to drill it into my head so that I can listen to them and cry out to my Father.
Everybody, I want to make a public plea to you all. This blog is "back to reality" well I want to bring reality home to all of you, as it was brought to me tonight. I saw a couple of my friends who haven't yet been zoche to realize what a bracha it is to have a kesher with HaKadish Baruch Hu. THEY DON'T KNOW WHAT WE HAVE AND WHAT THEY'RE MISSING. You do know, so use that, and realize that if these tefilos are going to come from anyone they must be from us. More than nine tenths of our nation are saying "I hope we see peace soon," but don't understand that if they only said it to our Father in heaven instead of just to one another it would make all the difference in the world. Please, you all know of the koach hatefila that we all have. It doesn't have to be a long tefila, it can even be just one sentence in English when you're feeling that pang of tsa'ar. Use that koach hatefila and please Hashem it will bring Moshiach b'karov!
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