Wednesday, August 30, 2006

We need to stop comparing ourselved to others as a means to stop our own growth. When looking around us we can become discouraged very easily. Everyone else seems to be lush, green, and sprouting new life. Yet us??? we seem, to ourselves, to remain barren and unprotected. As brittle as a twig.
We need to find the strength inside us, which is already there, and use it to reach for the sky. Look heaven ward and ask yourself why the sky IS the limit? we can soar higher then imaginable if we only take one step at a time. If we jump we might fall, but if we go in a slow but steady pace, we insure that our support is there, for each pace we walk forward is being held by the one we perviously walked.
I hope this make some sence, for in my mind it's crystal clear, please take my words in the right way. Use them to grow. Don't listen to the yetzar hara, do stop. for life is here to be difficult, we only need to do the best we can, the rest is rain.


dashop said...

also, just as you may think that you're all alone in the world, trying to overcome your tests, just try and remember the following. Just as there may be one lone tree in a feild, if you come back after a time, there will be young saplings spread all around it. You go through your days trying to grow and keep going through the easy times and the less easy, but just know that all that time you're planting seeds around you that WILL grow to the sky.........all in YOUR merit.

Sarah Rutti said...

and enfluence others as you're trying your best to be you and serve HaShem