Thursday, March 01, 2007


Remember last year when we would all go to nishmat on Thursday night. It's a ziman teffilah that we would all look forward to . And then on the shelosh regalim we trekked all the way to the kotel for bircat cohanim! The energy in the air could make anyone cry. To see so many yidim congregating during the chagim to say teffila to HK'BH!
Well today is taanit Ester. A ziman for teffila and teshuva. B"H we're fasting and trying to wake ourselves up and remind ourselves Who is the focus in our lives. We're very fortunate to be where we are and accomplishing what we are. HK'BH has given us a lot and yet we NEED to do teshuva. How was yearn and cry for mashiach, geula, and yeshua. We can be zoche all of these things if was readjust our focus or straiten out once again.
It's hard to know if we're on the right path or making the right decisions. It's important that we're in contact with daas Torah when making important decisions in our lives. Let's try to reconnect to some of those people, mentors, that we thought we'd never let go of.
It's never too late to give a call to a forgotten almuna. It's never too late to call up an old teacher or mentor and just ask for chizuck.
We're doing great and I'm very proud of what what we've accomplished and achieved since we've left Israel. We can continue to bring kedusha into chutz la'aretz by being the best Jew we can in the situation we're given.
Kol hakavod to everyone! Tizku la mitzvout! I hope that EVERYONE has meaningful fast and that, by the end of adar, we are zochei to see mashiach with the coming for nissan.

Kol tov.


Sarah Rutti said...

thank you sweeti. Have a great one!

Sarah Rutti said...


SEP said...

This is very nice Sarah Rutti. Don't forget to daven on Purim by the way. It's a very special day for tefilah (a hidden day indeed)

SEP said...

LOL! I just looked at my post above. I realized I should have said "daven extra," because I know you daven regularly. ;D Hope you had a great Purim.

Sarah Rutti said...

Thank you sweeti, i'm sorry we weren't about to talk , but purim is a very busy day. I hope everyone was able to make the best of it! and that all our mitzvot help us to bring mashiach with nissan!