Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Pessach cleaning

This is for Lea:

So pessach is just arond the corner. I don't know what everyone's personal scheduel is, but I know that mine is very busy. My last week of school is next week and i'm only showing up for two days of that week. As well, I have quizes schedualed for everyday of that week, i'm missing a few, and all my assignments are either due this week or next week. As a result, I have been getting less sleep and having very LITTLE time to clean.

Two weeks ago I cleaned my room as an atempt to get a 'head start.' I actually enjoyed the process becuase I was able to think about things while I was cleaning. Instead of going from one assignment to the next, or studying for one subject and then continuing to the next, I actually had the time, a whole hour, to stop and think about my life and what has been occuring over the previous months.

It was then that i realized how much I enjoyed cleaning. Not becuase I was able to get on my hands and knees and sweep, wash, and organize my room. But because I was able to think, for that short hour, about things. Unfortunately I have not been able to clean since then. Besides for the table I clear and wash at work, I have not cleaned anything else in my house, thank you family for doing it.

I now find myself WANTING to be able to clean and have the time to do so. Strangely enough, this have never happened to be before.

With this feeling came an insight. Maybe the reason we are told to clean before pessach is inorder for us to take the time to STOP our daily busy ruitens and think. A lot of physical energy goes into cleaning but your brain isn't under any strain. During this time we are given the oppertunity to think about our life and how we might want to change some things that happening. Maybe we want to be come more productive or less agressive, or maybe we want to appreciate people more? There are a lot of things we all need to work on, but we can only work on one thing at a time. Are we making progress in our growth as human being?

I could really go on about this forever, talking to myself as i type. I hope you get the message and start to appreciate this time that HaShem has given us to STOP AND THINK>

I wish you all a chag kasher v'samayach. Be well!

Good luck cleaning ;-)


Sarah Rutti said...

awe, thanks . I hope I'm helping someone, i know i'm helping myself ;-)

SEP said...

Very nice Sarah, and I like how you cater to your audience. BTW, I love the picture you put up for me. :D (I know which one it is ;D)

Sarah Rutti said...

Thank you, i was thinking of you when i saw it!

SEP said...

I figured that was why you put it up! :D