Thursday, April 05, 2007


Freedom. The word means many different things to many different people. But for us, during pessach, the definition narrows down. I think of two main definitions during pessach.
  1. A time where we should unlatch our previuos sins from our present actions. When we should no longer do what has become a bad habit. We have the ability to disassociate ourselves with our past middeeds and concentraite ONLY on the good.
  2. Freedom from the goyim. It is a time when HaShem WANTS us to be separate from the goyim and HIS nation. We are ment to act and think as HE wants us to . Not in accordance with the goyims perspectives and ideals.
  3. ( I know is said two but here's a thrid) The ablity to JUMP. Sefirat haomer has started and we're able to jump as high as we want antil pessach ends and then work our way up there, step by step, during the rest of sefira.

Maybe i should write a newpaper called:

ops, someone has already ;-)

We aren't stuck and locked behind our habits. We have the ability to change and be who we're supposed to be. Every situation that we find ourselves in allows us to work on this and come out closer to our goal.

Especially during pessach and sefira, we're given the gift of BECOMING the reflection we see in the distant past. The person we HOPE to be in the FUTURE. We can become that person today, now. We have the ablility to try on those positive behaviors that didn't fit last year. We can start shedding our ragged clothing for royal garments that belong to the princesses we truely are.

It is not only a time for anti chametz inthe physical sence:

Or and opertunity to lose or gain weight. We are supposed to reflect the physical to the spiritual and internalize the process as food for our neshama.
I know I haven't been very clear, since these ideas are very broad and abstract in my mind. I appologize and ask that and quiestions be made in the comment box. Thanks. I hope you were able to read inbetween my words and understand what i'm really trying to say.


SEP said...

Hmm, this is interesting Sarah Rutti. What is true freedom? It is the ability to separate ourselves from other cultures and cling to Hashem. Then, this clinging enables us to grow and achieve levels of self-actualization that other nations only dream of. Is that what you are saying?
-Very nice... Thanks for the reminder. :^D

Sarah Rutti said...

Sara, that's one aspect and could be a level of growth, i was really speaking very generally. As well, Pessach is the time to leap ahead and then during the rest of the omar we catch up and take the steps we need to reach where we jumped to on pessach. This way we reach levels that we would have never dreamt possible and become stabilized on that level by the end of sefira

SEP said...

Yes, I see what you're saying. And, to give hope to those who may not have grown as much as they had hoped during Pesach, can we not say that even if one didn't reach incredible heights on Pesach, now, during the omer, is the time to grow through the counting of the omer and working on our middos. Right?

Just as an aside, I thought of how nice it is that while we mourn we can't listen to music. This helps disconnect many from non-Jewish music in its various forms (classical etc. included) and this purging of foreign music really cleanses the soul and elevates us as a Jewish people. [Not to mention some A Capella music brings us SO close to Hashem. Ah - There isn't enough Chassidish A Capella music in the world!

SEP said...

P.S. Down with fruitcake indeed.

Sarah Rutti said...

exactly:-) I like what you wrote up there. I"ll try to put something up about the omer after my last exams on mon ;-)