Friday, April 13, 2007

Rosh Chodesh Iyar.

It's coming soon., Tuesday night.
It is known that Nissan is a zeman for geula because this is when we were taken out of mitzriam. Lets define that term geula, revelation:

  1. Depending on ones situation, geula can be understood as the removal from a 'bad' situation to a 'good' situation. As in, one is physically taken out of a negative situation and 'redeemed'.
  2. Geula can mean clarity or 'ciata d'shmia'- Divine assistance that enhances clarity of a situation or 'reveals' to a person how the person should react to the given situation.
  3. Geula can be interpreted as the verb to overcome. When one has passed a test in life or overcome a challenge.

These are a few of the definitions that come to my mind when i think about geula and it's affect on my life. Regardless on your interpretation of the word, Nissan is a chance for us to grow and overcome a lot of the difficulties present in you life. We have just a bit longer until this immense Koach departs and we are greeted by the month of Yyar. Until then we should try to use this zeman to improve our service to HaShem.

I wish us hatzlach in the refinary of our tefila and personal midout during this time and the continuous future. May our teffilot be answered to allow us to be zochei geula!


smileitsfree said...

Amen! Sarah Rut, you should become a speaker!

Sarah Rutti said...

that's one of my dreams, to become a public speaker like rabbitzon Heller (though i can't be as smart ;-))

SEP said...

Thank you for your illuminating insights. I'd never heard of all the meanings for the word geula.

Sarah Rutti said...

well you're very welcome, ihoonestly thought of them off the top of my head to they might not be true ;) ujst what it means to me :D