Thursday, April 12, 2007

Fasten Your Seatbelt and WAIT

I regretably admit that until Monday i was will be COMOPLETELY unavailible. Until 1pm on that day i will be studying and taking exams. After that time i plan to write a very nice post ( or a few posts) about freedom or the omer, or anything. I hope that you can wait until then cuase i GOT GO STUDY. Wish me luck. I can see the light at the end of the tunnel.
But don't just sit in the rain either. (Though i'd love to since i love rain.) "the sun will come out...." just not tomorrow.

I love this pic, it makes me want to splash in puddles. Though I don't know why he's so upset. I LOVE the rain. That's why i came back to Vancouver ;-)

Ok I"M ramboling. Be well everyone and hold on tight! Cause when I'll start posting again there might be a flood.
(Very ambiguous statment there :P)


SEP said...

Ah, very clever use of pictures. Well, I completely support you in your intentional withdrawal from society and the blogging community. Good luck in all your endeavors and I very much look forward to the upcoming flood.

P.S. I have an interview tomorrow with a Wallstreet Finance company. Now, how cool is that keinaina hara?

Sarah Rutti said...

k'h! i hope it goes well !

SEP said...

Thanks! Everything is working out, but the light that shined so briefly at the end of my tunnel is now running away from me. NOoo! Why all the hw? Why all the stress? But you know what? I discovered a magic remedy for my problems.

*whispers* "If you just sit down and work on hw, it disappears after a while - or, at least there's less of it to be done tomorrow."

:D What do you think of my brilliant idea? In fact, I'm going to go practice what I preach. Bye!

Sarah Rutti said...

That sounds very creatative. how did you figure that one out? did it work? thanks for not calling me yesturday i would have LOVED to talk to you but it would have lost me too much time and distraction. B"H i'm done my pscy and it went pretty well. I'll be getting my grade online tomorrow.

smileitsfree said...

Sarah Rut, I miss you!! My comp was not feeling well...Leah Handelsman is a kallah! Mazel Tov!! I"H by us!