Monday, May 28, 2007

Come one come all

A new and exciting blog!

My friend and I will be combining our efferts to produce a story blog. This blog will feature a stories that you can read and enjoy. They will probably continue with a new post every week.

Some come check it out and get your daily entertainment for free.

(Thanks for your support.)

Our World

It is time.
I know that I haven't posted for a week and I feel very guilty, but it was yom tov and shabbat and i really had no time.
As of now, I am finished my Psych midterm,
only three left for the semester,
and i must say that i did well. I haven't gotten my grade yet,
but i feel good about the test.

I'm gonna try to finish a certain amount of hw today and put a proper post up as a reward to myself. But until then...
I thought I'd find a picture and relate it to our life. I found this under 'our world' and got thinking.
If we are the the beni bechira that H' chose to represent Him in this world and create a makom for Him to dwell in, then we have a lot of responsibility and zechus.
We are fortunate to be the one's whose actions represent the Creator of the world.
Let us remember what our job is and how we can use our time in the world to do what we were each, individually, sent to do.
Though we all need to bring H' into this world and make for Him a makom, each one of us is supposed to do it in a spacial way. No one else can create the same kind of makom that we can, only us.
It's up to us as a collective group and as individuals.
We're so fortunate to have that honour!

Monday, May 21, 2007

Still got a cold

Still have a runny nose

Parshat Naso

This weeks parsha is Naso. I am supposed to be giving a class on shabbat. This is the topic that I've chosen. I still have a few questions that i need to ask but this is the general idea:

This weeks parsha talks about many different mitzvout and ideas. The ones that i want to focus on are the issues regarding Tzaraas and Tamei Mes.
There are a few questions that came to my mind when i read the pasuking and rashim.
One.) what is the connection between these two situations. If we look at the decrees dealing with the two type of people, a metzora of tumei mes person, we find that both are sent out of the entire camp of Benei Yisroel for an extended period of time.

Second.) what is it with the physical touch of a dead person that causes both man and women alike to become impure? How does death cause this kind of impurity that requires the removal of any person in contact with it to be removed from the rest of the klal?

In regards to the mes, i have been able to start to answer my question.

It is understood that naturally the physical of man must die. Why, because that part of a human is from the world we live in and has an expiry date on it, just like everything else in this world.

The spiritual part of man, the neshma, however, comes from Hashem and it, therefore, is eternal and infinite. This part of man, I believe, lives on forever.

We also know that man was created to live forever. However, this was altered when Adom preformed a sin, distancing himself from his creature, and caused death to come into the world. This distancing lengthened the connection that man had from his eternal source, Hashem, thuse causing him , man, to be 'worthy' for death.

When we recieved the Torah Klal Yisroel was returned to this state of perfection, and death was removed from the world again. However, only 40 days later Benei Yisroel created the aigel and returned the death into the world again.

So here i have come to understand that Death represents the distance between us and our creature. Because we only experience death in this olam because of our sins, which bring the malach hamaves back in control and, distance ourselves from our eternal source, Hashem. The spark that is inside us which connects ourselves to Hashem

And then i get confused, because if death is the result of our sins then a.) why is the next step olam haba? a place where we get to e closer to Hashem? is it because, although we are closer to Hashem then we are supposed to attain a certain amount of kadusha in this world? and that after when leave we can't change our 'status' in onlam haba? b.) why to tzadikim die?

I think that this is a very complex idea and I'm worried that i decided to speak about something too deep. I'll check back with you on how things go. I'm gonna ask Rabbi Meltzer and/or his wife.

Furthermore, i was unable to come up with a drasha that connected the two, tzaraas and mes, though I'm sure that if i gave it some more thought I'd be able to figure it out.

Well this is it for now. All comments are welcome, as usual, though I don't know when is the next time I'll have access to the Internet. Be well everyone, an I'm sorry if i confused anyone unneedingly.

Now Presenting

I want to apologize to everyone.
I meant to post something about rosh chodesh Sivan but the computer i had access to didn't let me sign in to my dashboard and post. So I'm really sorry. I hope it's understood that i meant to.
As of now I'm going to go work on a shiur that I'm giving on shabbat. When i finish i plan to post a summary of that shiur and share it with you.
It happens to be that shevuot is a special chag for my cause my name is Sarah Rut and we read Rut on shevout. So, I'll try to add something about Rut as well. Looking forward to posting later. Hang on there, be well.

Monday, May 14, 2007

My reward!

YAH! As a reward to myself for finishing ten pages of the chapter in psyc, i made these meezes. I hope you all enjoy them and don't get too worried about me after veiwing them ;-)
These are some immitations of the poeple i've seen at school. B"H they are all not like this. I just find it interesting to see what colours people like to make their hair colour change into!

And here is a princess with her friend dragon out to save her kingdom. I posted this before but it needed to be deleted. So this is for SEP, who didn't get to analize her yet.
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And then we have some recreational activities that i miss doing so much!

To enlarge any of these pictures just click on them and a new box will open. I hope i didn't scare anyone.

Thursday, May 10, 2007

My Meez fun

From left to right:

Here i am reading. I feel like reading books can take me anywhere and allow me to escape the annoying people around me. They're not ALWAYS annoying but sometimes i need a break

The tire swing. I miss being on swings and playing on playgrounds. those were the fun days when i was a kid and went down slides

Next is the corpse bride coming back from the dead. i hope that no one i know saw the movie 'crops bride" it's Farley new and funny. It's a cute kids movie where.

And then we have Harmonie, i know i 'm spelling her name wrong. This is how i picture her in my mind's eye.

Now, since I've spent WAY too much time on line today and posting and having fun, I'm gonna take a long break from the Internet. I hope i didn't overwhelm anyone and that everyone has a great shabbat. Be well and enjoy my obsession while it lasts ;-)

Aren't you glad i'm not your boss!

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Just something nice

I was googling and found these Pictures. I really liked them and saved them onto my computer. In honour of one of my friends, I am posting them. I know that you will enjoy them so i wanted to share them with you. This is supposed to be a blood elf. I suppose he's a leader of some sort, masterful and flowing with power. The orb in his hand, i would assume, is an example of his power, though i know not what he's going to use it for ;-)
I really liked this one. Here is a lil' girl sitting on the edge of a pond. I wonder what she sees in the reflection of herself? I is she perceiving something beyond herself entirely?

In another realm, we each hold within ourselves an orb or power and strength, given to us but HaKadosh Baruchhu. We're lucky to be among the few in this world to receive this gift in our life time. I hope that we use this koach to guide ourselves and others further towards proper avodat HaShem. We can utilize it in perceiving our goals and actions; furthermore, to help us see what is expected of us, individually and as a whole, to be preformed on this world.

I hope that you're all enjoying my randomness. Have a great day and please don't leave without putting up a comment. Thank you


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Wouldn't it be fun to just got skateboarding through the park? if only i coujld skateboard... which i can, though i've tried, master in a skirt


Sorry everyone for the mix up. I'm having technical difficulty. Thank you SEP for bringing it to my attention. I hope to be able to solve the problem shortly. sit tight everyone

Wednesday, May 09, 2007

One more, i hope you're not too bored by now?

This one is the most prevelant, so far. I wish i had the variety shown here reflected in my own wardrob, but I'm not THIS classy looking. Though i do like this pic a lot. I hope you guys have enjoyed my random posting today. hopefully I'll obstain for the next lil' while. all the best

coffee break

As usual, I'm having coffee. It's a constant beverage for me. I found that i really enjoy it. I've gotten to the point where i prefer different brews. Ops, maybe I'm drinking too much ?

If i could, maybe i would?

If i were not frum and was not not privliged to the understanding that i have now, i would go bikeriding. So here i am, doing something that i haven't done for at leat 5 yaers. Boy do i miss it.

Wednesday, May 02, 2007

Sefardi Torah

I just thought i'd share with you what a sefardi torah looks like. we have a really nice one in our shul that's made of silver, like this one. anyway, enjoy. Those of you who are coming ;-) are going to see it up close, well from the belcony.

Tuesday, May 01, 2007

A Break From College

I didn't realize how involved I am with the goyim until i stopped going to campus for the past week and a half. Since I've off for the next lil' bit, my semester ended early, I haven't been to the mall that's right by my school and i haven't really seen any of the 'new' styles and dress forms.
Then i walked into the mall on Sunday and was happy to find myself repulsed by the concentration of shemutz- or tuma. I was relieved to find that I'm still sensitive to that kind of stuff, after being away from it for only a week. B"H that I'm a Jew with my head on strait. I hope that we'll all be zochei to continue to have clarity in seeing what we should give importance to and what we should completely ignore. (Like crazy fashion and showing skin.)
Be well everyone. All the best.