Monday, May 21, 2007

Now Presenting

I want to apologize to everyone.
I meant to post something about rosh chodesh Sivan but the computer i had access to didn't let me sign in to my dashboard and post. So I'm really sorry. I hope it's understood that i meant to.
As of now I'm going to go work on a shiur that I'm giving on shabbat. When i finish i plan to post a summary of that shiur and share it with you.
It happens to be that shevuot is a special chag for my cause my name is Sarah Rut and we read Rut on shevout. So, I'll try to add something about Rut as well. Looking forward to posting later. Hang on there, be well.


SEP said...

*The crowd goes wild!*

Ah! The prospects of multiple posts from Sarah Rutti -> the crowd begins to chant "Sarah Rutti!" in a rhythmic voice as one in anticipation of her cascade of updates.


Earlyriser said...

Actually Sarah Rut, do you remember "the crowd goes wild" as I tried aiming the garbage in the garbage can? (And of course I missed) :) I'm so excited for all this stuff!

Sarah Rutti said...

heheh, Lea, are you talking about erev pessach? i'm glad your excited, i hope i didn't let you down

Earlyriser said...

C'mon, let me down? It was not erev pesach, more of our bedtime rituals.....