Today I was babysitting and the kids decided to watch this movie. Now, I don't watch movies but I had to sit there to make sure that the 'scary' parts were fast forwarded.
As it turned out, I ended up watching the whole things. I was so shocked at what I saw. Many dancing scenes involved skirts flying up to the waist, or higher, and Ms. Hanagin was so slutty she made me want to throw-up.
I found myself dreading the next scene and skip most of the movie.
This is a KID's movie. It's supposed to be nice and cute, not seductive and leg showing.
Need less to say, I left feeling gross, right now I'm still trying to get over it. I told the mother that I thought is was a bad movie and that I had to skip most of it.
So that's that, be well. Thanks for listening.
Sunday, September 30, 2007
Taking a Closer Look.
Posted by Sarah Rutti at 9:49 PM 1 comments
Tuesday, September 25, 2007
Going in the RIGHT direction.
That's right, I"m on the right road. After finally sitting down and finishing my hw, I was ready for relaxation by 10:15pm. If I would have known that it was only going to take me an hour to finish my hw... I would have started it a LOT sooner. So that's the recent update on my school overload.
Tonight, I hope, I won't go through the annoying depression again. I'll just have to sit down and ATTACK the work, get it over and done with.
Thanks SEP for being available to consult me. You really helped to put things into perspective. You rock.
Posted by Sarah Rutti at 10:05 AM 3 comments
Monday, September 24, 2007
Feeling Overwhelmed.
OK, so it turns out that I got a lot of non school related things down today. I got more toys for kids club over sukkout, I took a shower, I helped with the sukkah, I learned on the phone for an hour, I switched my summer and winter clouther, I changed my bed sheets, and now I'm updating my blog. But... I still have four exercises in French to do, a math journal entry, and I was hoping to get some 14th century English lit Chaucer read tonight as well.
I guess I have to a.) get cracking and b.) face reality that I'm not superwoman.
It's 9: 15pm now so I'll get going and see how far I can get.
I'm gonna try to look on the bright side a.) I still have 3 hours till I gotta be in bed, and b.) I'm not even going to THINK about the up coming chag and all the class time that I'm missing, and consequently, all the hw I'm missing as well.
We'll see how I'm doing on motzei shabbat when I'm staying up late trying MADLY to get as much work done as possible.
Until then, I'm off to complete my french exercised ( Je vais commencer mes exercices l'francais.)
Thanks for listening.
I hope all's well with you.
Have a great day/night.
Posted by Sarah Rutti at 9:08 PM 1 comments
Sunday, September 23, 2007
Looking Back
Now that the yomim noraim are over, and the fast has been completed, what are we going to do with ourselves now? Many of us may feel a sort of floating feeling. We've just poured out hearts out to HaKadosh Baruch Hu and confessed out mistakes and errs of the past year. We've, hopefully, begged for forgiveness and promised to do our best to make the coming year more productive then the last.
But what should be our first step, or one of the first steps we take?My Rav said a very nice speech by Neila. He mentioned that after praying a whole day in shule and privately confessing before HaShem, neila is a time to prove that prayer and confession true and show that we're reading to start anew. After spending the whole day to bedeck ourselves in new, clean, clothing, we now much change the inside to match the outside.
But neila's over. Can we still do this now? YES! We've gotten rid of our smelly, old, and stained clothing. We've adorned ourselves in fresh, trim, garments. We now have the task to look inside that match the inside to the clothing.This is no easy task. So how can we try to accomplish it without becoming too discouraged or overwhelmed?
What should we do?
My advice is nothing you've never heard before. But as Kohelet says, nothing's new under the sun, and as the Ramchal writes in Mesilos Yesharim, it is the information that everyone knows, that everyone takes for granted and forgets. So I will now repeat the advice that had been given to me countless times. Look inside yourself, at your characteristics and your personality. This is the thing that makes you most different from everyone else who walks upon the Earth. Search within this special part of you and try to find ONE thing that needs to be changed.
Make this thing small. Chose davening shachrit, or having kavna during birchot hashachar. It doesn't need to be about teffilla, it could be saying hi to the first 3 people you meet in a day. But make sure to chose one thing.
Then work on this thing for a month. Try to make a chart and give yourself a check at the end of the day if you've completed the task that you've set for yourself. Then, at the end of a month, see how you've done.
You may need more then a month to perfect, or get good, at this act. If so, go for it for another month. When you feel confident with your behavior in this act, add another one. Then continue with your checking chart with these two acts on it. See how you do in both of these acts after a month.
You can continue this act for the whole year. It could be that you don't get past two changes, but that's two things different in yourself from this yom kippur to the next. And that makes this year a productive year, one that HaShem will be happy to have given you.
It could be that this approach doesn't work for everyone. I don't know, it's just a suggestion.
I wish everyone a chatima tova. We should all be kaim the mitzvout of sukkout, as much as we can be as women, and be matzliach in the coming year. Let's make is worth HaShem's while, kaveiachel.
Posted by Sarah Rutti at 10:07 AM 4 comments
Tuesday, September 18, 2007
All Caught Up
B"H! After missing 1 class in three courses and 1 classes in another course, I'm all caught up in homework , exams, and assignments. I was actually very proud of myself! I studied for my french test (that was on monday) on wed. morning, saturday night, sunday night, and monday morning! Since Rosh Hashana was on wed night-friday night. and shabbat was friday night- saturday night, this was a big accomplishment, and the good grade reaped the fruits! B"H!.
Additionally, i successfully completed all math assignments (due today) and the one that's dure on thurday. Furthermore, I've gotten notes from my missed geology and math. Lastly, my computers quiz went very well today, i hope.
All in all, HaShem helped me for fulfilling His mitzvout! We'll see how i do with succout, i'm sure it will be fine as well :D
Thanks for your patience in my late posting. I hope that everyone else is having a great day as well!
Posted by Sarah Rutti at 9:01 PM 5 comments
Sunday, September 16, 2007
Wow i haven't posted for two weeks
I'm really sorry that i've been neglecting this blog for the past two weeks. I've even had ideas about what to post but the time is what i'm lacking right now. even at this moment i should be studying french, or english, or doing my math homework.
But i felt so bad that I hadn't posted in so long, that i wanted to hay hi and apologize. I really will be running around crazy till Oct, so please bare with me.
I hope that everyone is doing well and having bit of time to breathe and reflect. I wish you well. All the best.
Posted by Sarah Rutti at 10:47 PM 2 comments
Tuesday, September 04, 2007
First day back
I"m so excited to be back at school learning things. I know that it's only been a month, but i feel happy to be back. I don't know if that's how I'll feel in a few weeks, but right now I do.
I had a great first day of class. Of course, have of my classes ended early, that was awesome, so I had a really chilled day.
The best part is that I only have one class tomorrow, my lab doesn't start till next week.
Otherwise, I'm being good and responsible and doing my homework. I"m SURE the work load is going to pick up really quickly, especially since I"m missing so many days for the chagim, so I don't know how often I"ll be able to post later.
All the same, i hope you're doing great! Thanks for stopping by and reading this :D
Posted by Sarah Rutti at 10:31 PM 6 comments