Monday, October 29, 2007

Good Night, with a twist

I hope that everyone had a great shabbat. I want to share an insight that I learned over shabbat from Rabbi Baruch Leff's book "Shabbos in your Soul." He mentions there that shabbat is what connects our mitzvout of the week to olam haba, giving us the ability to earn zechus. Since we live in a gashmiut world, it is not possible for us to attain zechus through gashmiut actions. What we need is a connection to ruchnius. Shabbat is this connection.

(this learning should be a zuchus to the neshama of rabbi nachemiah ben moshe - I'm pretty sure that's Rabbi Kibel's name.)

What is shabbat? Shabat is a gift from HaShem's ganiz, treasure chest, that He's given to US! It's mein olam haba, it's not gashmiut, but ruchnius. Like our neshama, HaShem puts it in this olam haze and allows us to have a chance to connect to olam haba. Without it, our mitzvout would not be able to earn us zechus in olam haba. This is why our chachamim call creation 'sheshis imei bareshis'. Why 6 days and not 7, because on the 7th HaShem didn't create, He gave us shabbat. He installed the link between olam haba and olam hazei, for us. This explains why we say 'mekadesh hashabbat' in shemone esrai of shabbat, because we didn't make it (like the yom tov) HASHEM makes it ang GIVES it to US.

So, not only does shabbat allow for us to stop and rethink our lives and weeks, it allows us to attain zechus through our mitzvout during the week. It's the missing link.

How lucky are we to have this matana tova. B"H, we'll use each week with the knowledge that shabbat is coming to link us to olam haba and grant us a time to attain heights in ruchniut.

Have a great week! Shevua Tov.

Sarah Rutti

P.S. I just wanted to remind you that today (america time) is Rabbil Kibel's 2nd yartzeit, alav hashalom. If you could take a moment today and say a perek of tehillim or learn something in the zuchus of an aliah to his neshama, that would be great. It's one small thing that you're able to do for him, since you can't do mitzvout in olam haba.


Earlyriser said...

Shabbos is coming...I like that Mashal with the treasure chest...Yashar Koach!

Sarah Rutti said...

thank you!