Friday, October 12, 2007

Rosh Chodesh Chesvon

The time has come, it's rosh chodesh chesvon, (first day of a new month). Many people call this month 'mar chesvon' because there are not chagim during this month, were there are during tishrei and kislev, the two adjacent months to chesvon.

We also know that, in general, rosh chodesh has a special meaning for women in particular.

How can we apply this concept to ourselves?
I found a very nice article on aish called 'The Gift of the New Month.' You want a deeper explanation, she goes through it very nicely.

In short, I'd just like to say, that the moon represents the ability for renewal and rejuvenation. Similar to the concept that one must fall to get up again. Here too, one can attain a certain amount of chizuck (inspiration) from the moon as it reminds us that we can always pick ourselves up again.
This perspective is very useful as well enter Chesvon. Here, we're leaving the month or intense joy and revival, to enter a comparative dessert. What message should we take with us?

The message that we must retain as much of the spiritual elevation from tishrei as we can, an hold it for not only the next month but the next year. We will fall but we MUST get up and learn from our mistakes and put ourselves back together again, just like the moon does, and be hole.

I'm sorry that I didn't properly develop this theme. I'm tired (though that's normal and therefore no excuse) if ANYONE is confused by poor communication skills at this hour, please let me know I will take the time to clarify. Have a GREAT rosh chodesh and shabbat!



SEP said...

I'm glad that you mentioned this idea Sarah Rutti. I haven't thought about the symbolism of the moon in a long time. I find it interesting that the moon represents Klal Yisroel. We, the Jewish people are perfect examples of renewal and constant growth. As a light unto the nations, we represent the ability to change and improve ourselves and the world. Yes, we will make mistakes, but everyone should remember that there is always hope, and we can ALWAYS build ourselves up again. NEVER GIVE UP! Let's just keep up the good work, and keep trying to grow. Thanks for the encouragement Sarah! Shavuah tov!

Sarah Rutti said...

Thanks for the comment and the added info. I"m glad I was able to remind you about this idea, as I reminded myself as well. Have a great week.

Earlyriser said...

Wow, Sarah Rut great job! Actually, it's iinteresting. This week the Rav of the shul that I daven to, said something that really gave me some thought.

Noach went into the Teivah and stayed there for 40 days and nights, that we all know. But do you think he evaluated himself when he came out to see if where he was holding spritually? Same thing with us on Rosh Chodesh. Every Rosh Chodesh, we should look at ourselves and think: Where am I holding? Am I serving Hashem in the right way? Anyway, as always, you gave me a lot to think about! Miss you!